Getting the recommended eight hours of sleep a night is easier said than done—we all know that. Work, kids, events, stress, a good book—all those things can get in the way. But one thing that shouldn't disrupt your ability to sleep is your bed itself. Your bed should be a haven of comfort and warmth. With the advent of Afterpay beds, choosing the right bed for the right price has become exponentially easier.
Read on to dive into this easy guide to choose a budget-friendly bed.
The most important thing to do before you begin to shop for your budget-friendly bed is to measure your space. Be sure to account for doorways, windows, closets, built-ins, or recesses. Locate electrical outlets and make sure your new bed will fit right in and won’t cover the outlets you use the most.

These initial measurements will help you determine how much space you have for your new bed as well as give you a rough idea of how you can style your room around your statement piece whilst saving space and money.
If you are struggling with ideas, just let Pinterest push you in the right direction and then open up a new tab and look for online stores that offer a wide range of pieces that could fit your aesthetic requirement and budget.
If you are on a budget, there are plenty of ways to save some money while building your bed from the ground up. For starters, try assembling your bed by incorporating inexpensive pieces into your room. Instead of buying bulky full set pieces, try acquiring individual inexpensive pieces and mesh them together to bring out the mismatched trendy look everyone seems to be trying to emulate these days.
With the advent of Afterpay beds, we have seen an increase in choice and opportunity for the Australian customer base. Afterpay facilities provide customers with a bit more splurging space than what their budget outlines as it offers flexible payment schemes with no interest.
Therefore, designing on a budget has become so much more affordable and convenient.
Bed frame
In picking the perfect bed, a lot has to be considered from size, sturdiness, style, and even storage.
Make sure the bed frame is sturdy enough to hold your mattress securely — you don’t want your mattress sliding around every time you get into bed.
There are a plethora of materials and designs used for bed frames and it would be wise to match your bed frame to your preferred bedroom aesthetic making sure that the same tone resonates throughout. The structure and the commanding presence of a bed frame adds an air of sophistication, completion, and maturity to a bedroom.
You can choose from a four-poster bed that could bring a whole new look to your room, coupled with a few rugs and throw pillows. If you want a classy wood finish, maybe try an oak based bed frame that would be able to complement your aesthetic desires.
A headboard can be a good replacement to the traditional bed frame. If you love watching TV or reading in bed, look for a headboard that provides proper support. Headboards can range from classy regal statement pieces to the epitome of modern trend. All in all, your choice can be facilitated greatly - all while not busting the bank.
Beds and mattresses should work together
Never buy a bed without at least thinking about the mattress. Spring mattresses are ideal for spring beds, while slat beds are more likely to be teamed up with foam mattresses. Where possible, you should buy a new bed and a new mattress at the same time because a new mattress on an old bed won’t last as long as it would on a new one.
Choose a mattress that could help you achieve nirvana or what others mere mortals might call it, alignment of the back.
Beddings to go on your Afterpay beds
The condition of our bedrooms and, most importantly, our beds and bed linen, is a major contributor to the quality of sleep we get each night. These days, thread count doesn't matter quite as much as it used to. You can get super high-quality sheets at a more affordable price without that thread count price hike.
From microfibre sheets and duck feather quilts to mattress toppers, all the little things that contribute to a luxurious night of sleep are no longer just for the likes of royalty but can be enjoyed and afforded by everyone.
So instead of opting for a cheap option, go for a bed that is durable and comfortable - ensuring that you get your money’s worth.
For more information on how to utilise Afterpay beds in your crusade for budget-friendly beds, visit Simple Deals.