The online shopping industry in Australia is worth $23 billion and is growing at a more rapid rate than traditional retail. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, $1 in every $20 is now spent online. Now with these statistics, it’s easy to assume that when December rolls around we shall rely heavily on online platforms for all our purchases. Christmas demands a lot of attention and effort and with all the prancing around at home to bring out the Christmas spirit, it will do you good to order your Christmas decorations online.
The Internet has revolutionised the way we shop and, now, increasingly more people these days prefer buying things online over the conventional method of going into stores. If you want to avoid the craziness associated with holiday shopping, you should consider handling your Christmas shopping online this year.
Read on to find out why you should shop for your Christmas decorations online this year.
Avoid holiday traffic by ordering your Christmas trees online

If you hate spending unnecessary amounts of time in traffic, you should consider doing as much of your Christmas shopping online as possible. While visiting your favourite lumber yard allows you to receive the instant gratification of taking your tree home the same day you purchase it, you must also contend with crowded streets and parking lots, which can cause substantial amounts of stress in many instances.
Shopping online gives you the freedom to purchase everything you need from the comfort of your home and without the frustration associated with long checkout lines.
Delivery to your doorstep - the convenience attached to that cannot be understated.
You are spoilt for choice when you purchase Christmas decorations online
Another benefit of Christmas shopping online is that it gives you more freedom to choose what you want exactly instead of being pressured into buying the only thing available in stores. Even when it comes to purchasing last-minute gifts, you have a better shot at hitting the online sphere than being greeted by an apologetic sales clerk who says, “sorry, we are all sold out”.
Many people tend to procrastinate with their Christmas shopping until as close to Christmas as possible, so shopping online can make your life easier even if you decide to purchase your Christmas gifts on December 24th.
It’s so much cheaper with convenient and easy payment methods
Rather than traipse from one end of the high street to the other, shopping online means you can hunt for the cheapest deals without leaving the comfort of home. It might take a little longer online, but you’ll be able to purchase your item content with the knowledge you paid the best price. Competitive discounts, promotions, and so much more are also available online - making walking out to a store redundant at this point.
Moreover online marketplaces are pushing boundaries all the time. They know people are becoming used to the convenience of the internet, so they are looking for ways to keep people engaged and amused. Online platforms have also adopted after pay options for their customers, making the online experience so much more convenient.
With the likes of Afterpay, zipPay, zipMoney, and Oxipay, customers can now purchase the item instantaneously and pay for it late.
Reviews are your friend
Reviews are your friend. With online shopping, you can read all the other customer experiences when purchasing the specific product you desire. After all, making an informed choice making is the best way to go.
Imagine heading to a store, seeing a Christmas ornament you’ve been dying to buy, but suddenly realise there aren’t pages and pages of reviews stuck onto the shelf. How will you know if it lights up the way you want it to? What if the spring thing jams? Buying online means you can read millions of reviews, ensuring the ornament of your dreams wings its way to you speedily.
For more information on why you should shop for Christmas decorations online, visit our online store.